Date posted: June 17, 2016

I am pleased to see that our local Committee and activities have taken off with a bang in this first half of the year. Our Committee has expanded to include a representative from ACT as well as 2 NxtGen representatives. All members are welcome to contact any of our Committee Members or our State Manager any time to discuss matters related to FBA. In addition, we have invited the Forum Group Facilitators to attend our meetings whenever they are able, as we know they have their fingers on the pulse of the FBA community and the ways in which we as an organisation might be able to support you.

We are pleased with the success of our Show & Tell programs which have seen groups of around 50 members gather on family business sites to hear the foundation/establishment story and to experience the operations of another family business first hand. This is invaluable as an experience and shows the many commonalities we face – regardless of our industry sector. It is also a good way to introduce other family businesses you know to our community – invite them and see what happens.

Our State Summit last month was a wonderful success and – after 2 years – it was great to see over 100 members get together for a day of learning and getting to know each other better. With a strong line up of speakers including Peter Switzer, John Winning x 2 (yes – both father & son!) the amazing David Albert of ACDC fame and a team of our own members sharing their knowledge and their experiences, the big take away from the day is making connections with people that share and understand your business experience. As one delegate said to me – “Just to meet 1 person who I feel I can call to ask them a quick question or catch up for a chat, is priceless”.

Please contact us – that is why we are here.

Until next time –

Garry Beard
FBA NSW & ACT Chairman