Date posted: September 4, 2015

[special_functionality_row][special_functionality_column lg=”6″ md=”6″ sm=”6″ xs=”12″ ]Chris Alp

 Chris Alp
Business Owner Central

Business services description
Strategic planning and advice for business owners


How long have you been working with family businesses?
33 years from graduate to partner with Fordham’s (formally Grant Thornton). Plus now, a year and a half on my own.

What’s one of the most common mistakes you see in family businesses?
Failure to address succession early enough. Much harder, fewer options and less successful outcomes when succession is postponed. Ultimately, sickness and death can force succession, almost always with awful results.

What is your “uh ha” moment with your clients?
When their spouse says to them “why didn’t we do this years ago?” Happens all the time!

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